Presented By

BENT follows the journey of Max, a promiscuous gay man in 1930’s Berlin, through the vibrant gay and drag scene of Germany to the devastating horrors of Dachau concentration camp. Along the way we encounter many of Max’s former lovers and his family’s desperate attempts to lead him out of Germany and into safety. Max, concealing his true identity under a yellow star of David, ultimately finds solace in his love for Horst, a fellow prisoner marked with a pink triangle for his homosexuality. Despite their bond in the darkness of the camp, both Max and Horst tragically fall victim to the Holocaust.

Max — a promiscuous gay man in 1930s Berlin who claims to be Jewish to hide his homosexuality once captured by the Nazis.

Horst — a proud gay man that Max meets on his way to the Dachau Concentration Camp and forms a relationship with.

Uncle Freddie — Max’s rich Uncle who is a closeted gay man and encourages Max to leave Rudy to flee to France.

Greta — a Berlin Drag Queen who tips off the SS Guard about Wolf’s whereabouts.

This role may be double-cast with other characters in the show

This role may be double-cast with other characters in the show
Rehearsals will be scheduled around the availability of all cast members on weekday nights and weekend days starting the end of July, 2024.
Tech week is mandatory for all cast and crew members and begins the second week of September, 2024 in the days leading up to the show.
This show is scheduled to run a total of six performances between September 11 and September 22.
Please know your availability from July 2024 through September 2024, as we will collect it from you prior to your audition.
1. On the day of your audition, expect to arrive at least ten minutes early to complete check-in and answer any additional questions that may be requested by the production team. Please limit the amount of personal belongings you bring with you, as you will need to take them with you into the audition space.
2. You will need to prepare a one-minute dramatic monologue of your choice, or choose one from a provided selection from the show. You may also be asked to read from one or more additional sides. These materials will be sent to you shortly after you complete registration.
3. If you are auditioning for the role of Greta, you will need to choose from one of three songs to lip sync to during the audition.
4. You may be asked to return on Thursday, April 25th for callbacks, either during your audition or via text message after. If you are not able to return on this day, please make sure you note this during your audition.
Auditions and callbacks will be held at
CenterStage at the Trager
Family Jewish Community Center
3600 Dutchmans Ln, Louisville, KY 40205
In order to signup for this audition, begin by completing the registration process below. Once you have finished, you will automatically be directed to the audition booking system to reserve an audition time slot. You will receive additional instructions and preparation materials in the next two weeks. The information you provide during this registration step will be used throughout the entire audition and casting process!
QUESTIONS? LET US KNOW AT auditions@dragdaddy.pro!
If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule, we highly encourage you to use the booking confirmation email or text message you received in order to cancel or change your audition time. We only have a limited number of audition times available and would like to offer everyone a chance to participate. You can reschedule your audition up to ten minutes before any available time slot on any available day! If for any reason you are unable to find a suitable time slot, please reach out to us.
If you did not book an audition time slot when you completed your registration and would like to do so now, click here.